Feature Entitlements | Quoting | Self-Serve / Sign-up | Plan Creation & Management | Billing & Payments


Sell any feature set at any price using any pricing model – and grow revenue by leveraging usage data to recognize churn risks and upsell opportunities.
Wingback is the new all-in-one workflow for SaaS monetization, connecting the backend and frontend of your product with the entire billing chain.
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B2B SaaS monetization was broken,
so we fixed it.

you are welcome!
We created a new type of infrastructure to streamline how businesses monetize B2B SaaS. From feature to billing, it’s all united and automated under one roof, giving you the control and insight you need to grow fast.
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Much More Than Just Subscription Billing

Predict Churn — And Prevent It

Our cutting-edge analytics recognize patterns in customer behavior right at the API level. This allows us to alert you of potential churn risks and take proactive measures like issuing a discount code to retain customers. Even better: Wingback also lets you automate those prevention actions, which impacts your revenue and lightens your sales team's workload.

Upselling Your Customers Will Actually Love

Wingback can not only track customer usage but can also leverage that data to automatically perform upselling campaigns. Let’s say you’ve got customers who are rapidly depleting their allotted entitlements this billing cycle — Wingback can detect this and automatically send them an upsell offer, turning potentially frustrating overage fees into a delightful upgrade experience.

Data-Driven Pricing Recommendations

We take the guesswork out of pricing by suggesting optimal arrangements for your feature sets across different pricing tiers. Leveraging data, we identify optimizations like moving a feature from your basic to your premium tier or adjusting entitlement volumes to drive more upsells, resulting in a finely tuned pricing structure that aligns perfectly with your customer's needs.
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Not Sure About Your Pricing?

Pricing is more than just a label you put on your packaging offers. Effectively executed, it's one of the most powerful tools to maximize your value and keep a steady growth.
We built a Pricing Recommendation Tool to give you pointers towards what the best model for your SaaS might be
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